White Sugar is mostly used at our home but day by day it is
becoming dangerous for our health it is cause of many health issues like
sugar,diabeties etc. so we can replace it with healthy sugar like Honey etc.
It’s no secret that governments all over the world are starting to
crack down on sugar. They are passing taxes on sugary drinks and snacks,
banning them from schools, and more treatment programs are becoming open to
people who believe they are addicted to sugar. But what is the truth? Is sugar
the new enemy?
13 Reasons Sugar Is Bad for
Let’s look at many of the reasons sugar is thought to
be bad for you. Some people say it’s one of the worst things you can introduce
to your system, even above fat.
1. Your Immune System – If you consume too much
processed sugar you can reduce your ability to kill germs inside your body. It
doesn’t take much, either. Just two sodas can stop the ability to fight off
that flu bug and lead to falling ill. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccines
if you don't eat sugar, but when it comes to health, including dental health,
avoiding added sugar can boost your immunity exponentially.
2. Mineral Balance – If you have trouble
sleeping at night, are constipated and having other problems, you could be
having trouble with your mineral balance. If you eat a lot of sugar, you are
likely depleting your magnesium stores to process all of it. Plus, you will
lose more chromium through your urine if you eat a lot of sugar.
3. Behavior Problems – Every parent on the
planet will tell you that sugar and lack of sugar can affect their child’s
behavior. If a child is hungry and their blood sugar is low, they will be
sleepy and grumpy. If a child has an overdose of sugar, they will become
agitated and animated. The key to better behavior is blood sugar balance.
4. Empty Calories – The fact is, processed
sugar has no health benefits whatsoever. Therefore, when you eat sugary meals,
you’re eating empty calories that will cause weight gain. The fact that sugar
is often combined with fat and salt will make the effects even worse. It’s
better to avoid added sugar when you can.
5. Elevated Insulin Responses – When your
insulin response is healthy, your cells will release the right amount of
insulin. But, if you regularly consume sugar, especially in “overdose” amounts,
your body will become confused about when to release insulin and when not to.
6. Damages Cells and Tissues – The tissue in
your eyes, kidneys, nerves and more seem to carry sugar a lot longer than other
organs. This means that the body can suffer damage from that remaining sugar
because it damages small blood vessels.
7. Causes High Blood Triglyceride Levels –
There are no symptoms for high blood triglyceride levels. The only way to know
if you have high triglycerides is by getting a blood test. It’s usually part of
your overall cholesterol test.
8. Contributes to Hyperactivity – There are
studies that show both results. Sugar does cause hyperactivity and sugar
doesn't cause it. You must remember that any drug can affect one human one way,
and another human another way. But, parents often report problems with hyperactivity in their child
after consuming too much sugar. You can’t ignore the possibility.
9. Anxiety – Refined sugars enter the blood
stream quickly, and leave the blood stream quickly. This process can manifest
in more anxiety overall. Even though often people who are addicted to sugar eat
to suppress anxiety, it’s just making the problem much worse. It’s best to
avoid added sugars in the first place.
10. Poor Concentration – Again, the reason
sugar may affect concentration is because of the speed by which processed sugar
can invade blood cells and then leave them. You need a balanced level of
glucose to feed your brain, not short bursts of sugar such as in the form of
soft drinks or cereal.
11. Feeds Some Cancers – The fact is, cancer
cells love sugar. That’s because like most living things they need sugar to
grow. But, not all sugars are created equal. Cancer cells love white sugar,
white flour, and high fructose corn syrup. The good thing is that if you simply
reduce your consumption of processed sugar, you can cut your cancer risks.
12. Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar happens in
people who have a condition called hypoglycemia. This can be a condition on its
own, but it can also happen in people who have diabetes and take medications
like insulin because their bodies don’t produce enough on their own.
13. Poor Digestion – Processed sugar is very
acidic. The more alkaline you can make your body, the healthier you’ll become.
If you have an acidic stomach you’ll suffer from heartburn, GERD, and other
digestion problems.