meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


                RENEWABLE ENERGY
Solar Panels on Snow With Windmill Under Clear Day Sky

Renewable energy is actually growing rapidly, reducing pollution, creating many jobs and helping many consumers to save money. The use of renewable energy sources is also improving our health, cleaning up our water and air and protecting the world for future generations.

Globally, many people have recognized that the use of renewable energy sources is essential as it provides us with less dependence on foreign fossil fuels, cleaner air and a diverse energy portfolio.

It is a great energy source for our children and their future children. Renewable energy will never run out, while some other energy sources in the world will be depleted someday.
Majority of renewable energy investments are actually spent on materials as well as workmanship in order to establish and maintain the facilities, instead of being spent on expensive energy imports. The investments in renewable energy are often spend within the state and usually in the same town, which only means that your energy investments stay home to be able to create jobs.

It is also expected that sixty percent of the entire energy in the future will come from those renewable resources. Renewable energy is a sustainable energy obtained from the natural resources. It is also a great power that comes from the essential renewable resources like
wind, organic matter, hydroelectric dams and sun. Such resources are consistently replenished by nature. They are cleaner sources of energy.

There are many great power systems that will offer us comprehensive protection from those power surges and will serve as a home backup system. Various power supplies like the wind power are a very valuable source that could meet the needs of many consumers.

The benefits of renewable energy are virtually endless. It does not only provide us with the opportunity to save a huge amount of money, but also to create great opportunities that will enable us to survive in today’s very unstable economic conditions.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Astronaut Standing Beside American Flag on the Moon

                                              SPACE (2.)

Pole Star


Alpha Centauri (RigilKentaurus)
Three Stars – Alpha Centauri A & B & C. Closest star system of Sun.



Halley’s Comet
Visits Inner Solar System Every 75-76 Years

Kirch’s Comet
Brightest of 17th Century





Frozen Exterior

Largest moon. Magnetic field.




·         Only moon with dense atmosphere.
·         Huygens Space probe landed on it.

Orbits in a direction opposite of Parent Planet


Planet Earth

Milky Way
0 LY

Canis Major Dwarf
25000 LY
Satellite of Milky Way. Nearest Galaxy. But status of galaxy is disputed.
Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal

Large Magellanic Cloud
158000 LY
Satellite Galaxy
2500000 LY
Closest Spiral & Big Galaxy
11500000 LY

20870000 LY

The Black Eye Galaxy
24000000 LY
Also Called Evil Eye or Sleeping Beauty Galaxy.
29350000 LY

30000000 LY

NGC 1300
61000000 LY

420000000 LY

Hoag’s objects
600000000 LY

Aquarius, The water Bearer


Cancer, The Crab

Capricornus, The Sea Goat

Draco, The Dragon

Gemini, The Twins

Leo, The Lion

Libra, the Scales

Ophiuchus, The Snake Bearer

Orion, The Hunter

Pegasus, The Winged Horse

Pisces, The Fishes

Largest of Southern Hemisphere
Scorpius, The Scorpion

Taurus, The Bull

Virgo, The Virgin
Largest constellation of Zodiac
Ursa Major
Saptarishi is part of it

Monday, April 27, 2020


Photo Of Berry Muffins On Marble Surface

White Sugar is mostly used at our home but day by day it is becoming dangerous for our health it is cause of many health issues like sugar,diabeties etc. so we can replace it with healthy sugar like Honey etc.   It’s no secret that governments all over the world are starting to crack down on sugar. They are passing taxes on sugary drinks and snacks, banning them from schools, and more treatment programs are becoming open to people who believe they are addicted to sugar. But what is the truth? Is sugar the new enemy?       

13 Reasons Sugar Is Bad for You

Let’s look at many of the reasons sugar is thought to be bad for you. Some people say it’s one of the worst things you can introduce to your system, even above fat.

1. Your Immune System – If you consume too much processed sugar you can reduce your ability to kill germs inside your body. It doesn’t take much, either. Just two sodas can stop the ability to fight off that flu bug and lead to falling ill. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccines if you don't eat sugar, but when it comes to health, including dental health, avoiding added sugar can boost your immunity exponentially.

2. Mineral Balance – If you have trouble sleeping at night, are constipated and having other problems, you could be having trouble with your mineral balance. If you eat a lot of sugar, you are likely depleting your magnesium stores to process all of it. Plus, you will lose more chromium through your urine if you eat a lot of sugar.

3. Behavior Problems – Every parent on the planet will tell you that sugar and lack of sugar can affect their child’s behavior. If a child is hungry and their blood sugar is low, they will be sleepy and grumpy. If a child has an overdose of sugar, they will become agitated and animated. The key to better behavior is blood sugar balance.

4. Empty Calories – The fact is, processed sugar has no health benefits whatsoever. Therefore, when you eat sugary meals, you’re eating empty calories that will cause weight gain. The fact that sugar is often combined with fat and salt will make the effects even worse. It’s better to avoid added sugar when you can.

5. Elevated Insulin Responses – When your insulin response is healthy, your cells will release the right amount of insulin. But, if you regularly consume sugar, especially in “overdose” amounts, your body will become confused about when to release insulin and when not to.

6. Damages Cells and Tissues – The tissue in your eyes, kidneys, nerves and more seem to carry sugar a lot longer than other organs. This means that the body can suffer damage from that remaining sugar because it damages small blood vessels.

7. Causes High Blood Triglyceride Levels – There are no symptoms for high blood triglyceride levels. The only way to know if you have high triglycerides is by getting a blood test. It’s usually part of your overall cholesterol test.

8. Contributes to Hyperactivity – There are studies that show both results. Sugar does cause hyperactivity and sugar doesn't cause it. You must remember that any drug can affect one human one way, and another human another way. But, parents often report  problems with hyperactivity in their child after consuming too much sugar. You can’t ignore the possibility.
9. Anxiety – Refined sugars enter the blood stream quickly, and leave the blood stream quickly. This process can manifest in more anxiety overall. Even though often people who are addicted to sugar eat to suppress anxiety, it’s just making the problem much worse. It’s best to avoid added sugars in the first place.

10. Poor Concentration – Again, the reason sugar may affect concentration is because of the speed by which processed sugar can invade blood cells and then leave them. You need a balanced level of glucose to feed your brain, not short bursts of sugar such as in the form of soft drinks or cereal.

11. Feeds Some Cancers – The fact is, cancer cells love sugar. That’s because like most living things they need sugar to grow. But, not all sugars are created equal. Cancer cells love white sugar, white flour, and high fructose corn syrup. The good thing is that if you simply reduce your consumption of processed sugar, you can cut your cancer risks.

12. Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar happens in people who have a condition called hypoglycemia. This can be a condition on its own, but it can also happen in people who have diabetes and take medications like insulin because their bodies don’t produce enough on their own.

13. Poor Digestion – Processed sugar is very acidic. The more alkaline you can make your body, the healthier you’ll become. If you have an acidic stomach you’ll suffer from heartburn, GERD, and other digestion problems.
 Each person is affected differently. It’s best to look at your own symptoms and health issues and if you have any of these problems, try eliminating processed sugar first to see if you notice any changes in your health 
Photo Of Chocolate Cake    


Learn To Get Rid Of Bad Time Habits
Person Wearing Black Smart Watch
Bad time habits might be the worst time management thieves but they also happen to be the ones that you have the most power to take control of. Whether you admit it or not, many hours in your week probably end up wasted because of your bad habits. While it can be rewarding to establish efficiency and self-discipline, doing so can also be a bit of a challenge. What are the common bad time habits that many people have today?
Get Rid Of The Bad
1. Spending more time on the easier tasks instead of the hard ones, thus not completing the more important projects first.
2. Spending time surfing the internet and temporarily losing track of time.
3. Spending time on answer the personal emails during the entire day.
4. Spending time watching videos in YouTube.
5. Spending time browsing the news pages or newsletters.
6. Cleaning the desk just to avoid doing the uncomfortable tasks.
7. Spending time checking Facebook, Twitter, and other sites for social networking.
8. Spending time on Skype and other similar websites.
While some of you might say that these are the things that you do to relax or zone out during an exhausting day, do you think that these will make you productive or are these merely destructive?
Many of you probably say NO to engaging in a new hobby, or visiting your kids at school or hitting the gym simply because you think that the hours of the day are not enough for you to do so. But is it really not enough or did you just end up wasting plenty of your time on these activities, time that should have been allotted for doing more productive things?

This is the reason why it is very important for you to get rid of these bad time habits that are taking away the precious hours that you could have just spent on doing things that you actually need and want.
What are the things that you can do to free yourself from these bad time habits of yours, then?
9. Create a doable to-do list with just 3 to 4 bullet points each time or else, you will be overwhelmed by the things that you have written down.
10. Every morning, make sure that you clean your desk. See to it that you keep only those things needed for the project that you are working on.
11. Once you start working, place your to-do list next to the computer so that your mind will not drift from the work that you need to finish.
12.During projects, disconnect from the internet and give yourself a reward with a limited surfing for just 10 minutes.
13. Answer the personal emails that you’ve got before getting your lunch as this will help you limit the time that you spend on your account.
14. Exercise during mornings. This will help you have a quicker tempo the entire day, making it easier to complete your tasks and stay focused.Pen on to Do List Paper