WHAT IS IMMUNE SYSTEM :- Immune sysytem is the group of organs that protect our body from infections. weak immune system is like an invitations to health problems.stress lifestyleare some of causes of weak immune system
it is not one day process but we can boost it according to the time. If we have good immune system then these ways are also useful for keep it up..
In this crucial time of corona pendemic its very important for us to boost our immunity so that we can stay safe and healthy by staying home at the same timeso here i am sharing some ways which will instantly boost your immunity most of the ingaradients are easily available I have tried to keep them as simple as possible here are some of them.
1.ASHWAGANDHA- It is one of the most powerful indian herbs whose properties are so powerful so it has been nick named as indian ginseng.ashwagandha is well known to instantly boost our immune system.
simply take one glass of hot water and add one table spoon of aswagandha powder in it. if we have digestive issues with milk then you can use it with water.
2.GILOY :-Also known as AMRITA . GILOY is full of antioxidants that purify the blood and fight against bad bacterias.
Simply add one table spoon of giloy power with luke warm water and have it empty stomach in the morning.

3.MINT DRINK:- It is one soft drink to strong the immune system.
IN 500ml water add half teaspoon of turmeric boil it for two minutes, now add 10-12 mint leaves.let it bol again for 2 minutes .pour the mixture now add one tablespoon of is good antioxident.
4. TURMERIC:- It gives an instant boost to the immune system.It has anti oxident and anti microbial property.
simply add half tablespoon of turmeric in hot hot milk and have it before to sleep at night.

5.AMLA:- VITAMIN C makes antibodies that fight infections.amla is good source of vitaminc.
6.CITRUS JUICE:- It also improves our immunity.
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