meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: OMEGA3
Showing posts with label OMEGA3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OMEGA3. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Sliced Orange Fruit in Clear Drinking Glass

Ideally, it is always a good idea that you conduct yoga practice without eating anything too close prior to beginning. But as it is not possibleall the time because of personal and professional commitments, you need to be very careful of what you are eating.


Timing is quite pivotal. If you are interested in a light meal before going for yoga practice, it is advisable that you take it one to two hours beforehand. When you follow this strategy, it will give your digestive system quite a bit of time to settle down. This will ensure that you are going to feel at ease during class. For people interested in heavier meal, the time frameshould be in the vicinity of four to five hours.

Fruits and vegetables
Your first preference should be fruits and vegetables. One of the most important things about fruits and vegetables is that you are not going to have any digestive issues and in a matter of hour, you will get a feeling of empty stomach. In addition, inclusion of fruits and vegetables in your diet is advantageous for your overall health.
Closeup Photo of Slice of Orange

Heavy foods
Make sure that you stay away from heavy foods. Before yoga class, you should not eat meats, pasta and processed grains. After eating these foods, you are going to feel lethargic, which is not ideal when you are all set to give your all in your yoga workout.

Spicy foods
Similar to heavy foods, you should also stay away from spicy foods. Because of the fact that spicy foods can easily lead to heartburn, you should not take these foods before starting the yoga practice. Talking about yoga, not only it has an impact on the outside portion of your body but also inside portion and therefore you can pretty much imagine how it is going to be when you fill your stomach with spicy foods.

Before going for yoga practice, it is always a good thing to try yogurt. Taking yoghurt half an hour before the yoga class is not only going to be goodfor your digestion but also the strengthening of your heart.

Final diet tips
No two individuals are same and therefore you will find that there is going to be variation in terms of diet as well. It’s not easy figuring out an ideal time for eating before yoga. But as the time passes by and you get to know about your body, more notably, your digestive system, you will be able to plan out things in a much better manner. Individuals with low blood sugar need to eat something fifty minutes before yoga practice. When it comes to yoga practice, use of nuts is recommended.
Almonds, pecans and walnuts contain essential iron and vitamins, good for your health. For healthy intestinal tract, pecans is one of the best options. There are lots of poses in yoga that are going to have a positive impact on the intestines. To get the best out of this, you need to take pecans and walnuts on a regular basis.



Silhouette of Person Doing Yoga Near Body of Water

Out of the many things that India is known for in her contribution to the world, ‘Yoga’ is perhaps one of the most important and popular exports. From the ancient times, the ascetics, the ‘rishis’ and the ‘munis’ of India have been practicing this form of art and science and deriving the benefits of enlightenment that accompany yoga. What is Yoga and why is it important in today’s world? The importance of yoga in today’s world has a lot of definitions floating around; however, if we go back to the roots of the word, we find that the term ‘Yoga’ has its origins in Sanskrit. It means to unite
- Yoga helps the body to unite with the other vital metaphysical aspects of the mind and spirit. It is also often defined as a lifestyle which aims to have a healthy mind within a healthy body. Most simply defined, yoga is a set of poses or ‘asanas’ , coupled with breathing techniques, which help impart strength and flexibility to the body while helping to balance the mind and its’ thinking. Unlike other physical forms of exercises, like the aerobics, by practicing yoga, one can not only achieve physical health, but also mental and spiritual well-being. The aim of yoga is to promote overall well-being of the body. And though, it is found beneficial for a variety of conditions, it is not considered a therapy for specific illness. Unlike other forms of exercises, yoga has a more holistic approach to teach the people the right way to lead their lives disease free and stress free. In today’s world, all of us suffer from stress and a perpetual anxiety to perform well, leading to a plethora of diseases that we expose ourselves to. Yoga aims to calm and compose our minds and help us focus clearly on what really matters - good health and the happiness that accompanies it!

Silhouette of Man at Daytime

Mental health
· Let us first begin with the benefits of Yoga on mental health. After all, good mental health is of paramount importance for being healthy physically as well. As advised above, breathing technique forms an integral part of Yoga. Do I hear you asking ‘how?’It really is very basic - by breathing deep and right, something that you would be doing when you practice Yoga, you are inhaling more oxygen and allowing the cells of your body to have access to that oxygen for a longer period of time.
· A common practice in yoga is to breathe only from one nostril at a time, while holding the other one
closed with the tip of your finger. Medical research has shown that this boosts increased activity of the opposite side of the brain, leading to better cognitive performance and tasks associated with the other side of the brain. Regular yoga practice helps children with attention deficit disorder and people suffering from anxiety, depression and mood swings. It also helps keep the mind calm and reduce stress and thereby increase the general well-being of the person.
Ever wondered, why so many of us, after a hard day’s work, come and plonk ourselves, on our home sofas, with very little energy to even fetch a glass of water for ourselves. This is caused by lack of inner strength. Certain asanas of the yoga help generate inner strength. Inner strength is essential in doing day to day activities and in preventing you from injuries. This is especially useful, as we grow old and need more energy and strength to do the same activity.

· The popular notion that you need to be flexible in order to do yoga is incorrect; it is really the other way round - you should do yoga so that you can be more flexible. If you have a flexible body, you find it easy  to do tasks. A lot of poses in Yoga concentrate on stretching and improving your flexibility. With yoga, not only the muscles of the body, but also the softer tissues of your body are worked out, resulting in less build-up of the lactic acid, which is responsible for stiffness in various parts of the body. Yoga increases a range of motions of the less used inner muscles and helps in lubrication of joints. The result is a more flexible body, able to perform tasks easily!

· Yoga has a lot of positive effects on the cardiovascular system of our body. A healthy cardiovascular system is responsible for preventing heart attacks, strokes and hypertension. Heart disease is a problem which has roots in an improper lifestyle, faulty diet and negative thinking.Our thoughts, emotions and feelings affect ourbody and negative emotions/thoughts send a series
of complex and unhealthy chemical processes throughout the body, giving alarms that something is amiss. Yoga tends to control these by bringing in fresh life-giving oxygen. The anti-oxidant properties of Yoga help in preventing the negative emotions and promote a general well-being in the body.

Joint pain and arthritis
· The general tendency of people suffering from joint pain, inflammation and stiffness is to avoid exercise. Yoga helps prevent advancement of this malady by toning the muscles and loosening the joints. When a person suffering from joint pain practices yoga, the gentle stretching and strengthening movements of the various Yogic poses, improves the blood flow to the muscles and tissues supporting the joints, thereby making it more comfortable to move.

Respiratory problems
· Practice of certain asanas of Yoga has helped check chronic cases of Asthma and other respiratory
problems. When the nasal passages get inflamed, they start producing mucous in excess making it difficult to breathe and often have common symptoms like coughing, wheezing etc. Respiratory problems could also be caused by multiple factors like allergy, exercise, weather change etc. By practicing yoga, the lungs capacities increase and so does stamina and stress on air passages is reduced.
Memory Improvement
“Memory is the measure of ability to reproduce the knowledge that is known”, says Yogacharya
Vishwas. “Memory is holding on to that which has been known.”- The Hindu Texts.
·Yoga helps in retaining information better and for a longer period of time due to its focus on concentration and meditation. By breathing right, concentrating and meditating, more blood flows to
the brain , making it supple and ready to accept more information and reproduce that information when required.

Monday, April 13, 2020



Birthday Cake

Consuming fish oil, such as trout and salmon (or taking an Omega‐3 supplement) can help improve your memory. A new study has indicated that the fatty acid in fish can boost memory function by at least fifteen percent. With those conclusions, scientists are now expressing how important a fish‐rich diet is for preventing dementia and maintaining optimal brain health.

Despite what you may believe, Omega‐3 fatty acids are very important when it comes to weight loss,
heart health, and yes, even brain health. These fatty acids can have many different powerful benefits to both your body and your brain. Helps Fight Depression Many people are diagnosed with depression – this is one of the most common mental disorders. Symptoms of depression include lethargy, sadness, and a loss of interest in things you once loved.

Anxiety is also another common disorder, and this can be characterized by nervousness and constant worry.
Studies have found that individuals who turn to omega‐3 on a regular basis are less likely to be faced with depression. What’s even better is that when individuals who are diagnosed with depression or anxiety turn to omega‐3 supplements, their symptoms improve.

Omega‐3s are important for brain growth. Infants that are given DHA‐fortified formula have a tendency to have better eyesight than those who are fed normal formula that doesn’t contain it. It is also important that you get enough omega‐3 when you’re pregnant, as this will be beneficial to the child.

1. Better communication
2. Better social skills
3. Higher intelligence
4. Less behavioral problems
4.Decreased risk of autism
5.Decreased risk of ADHD

White and Green Medication Pills on Gray Surface

Deficiency in Omega‐3 is linked to poor eyesight, low intelligence and an increased risk of various health issues, so it is important that you get enough Omega‐3s while pregnant and continue this after the child is born. Anti‐Aging Benefits on the Brain Omega‐3 has some pretty nice anti‐aging effects on the brain, both structurally and functionally. 
Omega 3s have been proven to have a direct effect on hippocampus volume and the overall brain. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the hippocampus, this is an area of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning.

Omega‐3 is incredibly important for the health of your brain. You can get it from eating fatty fish at least 2 times a week, or simply taking Omega‐3 supplements, which are available over the counter in most department stores. If you lack Omega‐3 in your diet, this is a highly effective way to improve your brain health, and overall health.

Saturday, April 11, 2020




WHAT IS IMMUNE SYSTEM :-                                                                                                          Immune sysytem is the group of organs that protect our body from infections. weak immune system is like an invitations to health problems.stress lifestyleare some of causes of weak immune system 
it is not one day process but we can boost it according to the time. If we have good immune system then these ways are also useful for keep it up..
   In this crucial time of corona pendemic its very important for us to boost our immunity so that we can stay safe and healthy by staying home at the same timeso here i am sharing some ways which will instantly boost your immunity most of the ingaradients are easily available I have tried to keep them as simple as possible here are some of them.

1.ASHWAGANDHA-  It is one of the most powerful indian herbs whose properties are so powerful so it has been nick named as indian ginseng.ashwagandha is well known to instantly boost our immune system.
simply take one glass of hot water and add one table spoon of aswagandha powder  in it. if we have digestive issues with milk then you can use it with water.

2.GILOY :-Also known as AMRITA . GILOY is full of antioxidants that  purify the blood and fight against bad bacterias.
Simply add one table spoon of giloy power with luke warm water and have it empty stomach in the morning.

Clear Glass Bowl With Brown Liquid

3.MINT DRINK:- It is one soft drink to strong the immune system.
IN 500ml water add half teaspoon of turmeric boil it for two minutes, now add 10-12 mint leaves.let it bol again for 2 minutes .pour the mixture now add one tablespoon of is good antioxident.

4. TURMERIC:- It gives an instant boost to the immune system.It has anti oxident and anti microbial property.
simply add half tablespoon of turmeric in hot hot milk and have it before to sleep at night.

Brown Powers

5.AMLA:- VITAMIN C makes antibodies that fight infections.amla is good source of vitaminc.

6.CITRUS JUICE:- It also improves our immunity.


                       कोरोना विश्व के सामने एक चुनौती Concept Of Covid-19 In Red Background

इंसानों के सामने पहले भी खतरे आये है और आते ही रहे है....हमने वह दौर भी देखा है जब प्लेग,हैजा,कॉलरा जैसे रोगों ने लाखों की आबादी को खत्म कर डाला,हमने नाभिकीय हमलों में भी मानवता को दम तोड़ते देखा है...हमने देखा है सुनामी में इंसानों के आंसुओं को बहते हुए।
पर इस बार कोरोना वायरस के रूप में आई आपदा सबसे अलग है....इसने इंसानी दुनिया के आज के नियमो,मूल्यों,संस्थाओं और तौर तरीकों को सवालो के घेरे में खड़ा कर दिया है।मैं इसे इंसानी सभ्यता के लिए आई ओपनिंग इवेंट के रूप में देखता हूं और हमे इससे कुछ बड़े सबक सीखने होंगे।

Free stock photo of action, administration, adults, atmosphere

1.हमे समझना होगा कि मनुष्य की प्रकृति पर दम्भभरी जीत और नियंत्रण की भावना भ्रममात्र है। और जब हम यह कहते है सेव द प्लेनेट,तो भी यही भाव आता है कि हमी तो इस ग्रह को बचाएंगे,जबकि ग्रह पहले से है इंसान तो बाद में आये है।इसलिए हमें यह समझना होगा की प्रकृति के साथ ही इंसान बेहतरी कर सकता है उसके खिलाफ नही।चीन में जिस तरह जिंदा और हर तरह के जानवरों को आहार के रूप इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है,उससे इंसान उस पतली रेखा को पार करता दिखाई दे रहा है,जो अब तक पशु और मानव समाज मे प्राकृतिक सन्तुलन निर्मित करता था।

2.पहली बार इस आपदा ने हमे राष्ट्र की सीमाओं से बाहर निकलने के लिये मजबूर कर दिया है। अगर हम देश के बजाय प्लेनेट यानी पृथ्वी के सदस्य के रूप में इस आपदा के खिलाफ मिलकर खड़े होते तो क्या इसकी भयावहता बढ़ पाती।तो आखिर क्यों एक मानवीय संकट को भी राष्ट्रीय हितों से ही जोड़कर देखा जा रहा है।

.ऐसी वैश्विक आपदा से लड़ने की हमारी तैयारी भी एक्सपोज हुई है।चाहे वह चीन हो या अमेरिका, इटली हो या जर्मनी सबकी कमजोरी सामने आई है।अभी तो इस बीमारी में मृत्यु दर अपेक्षाकृत कम है,पर सोचिए यदि मोर्टलेटी रेट ज्यादा होती तो यह आपदा इंसानों को कहा ले जाती।

4 .निजी क्षेत्र आज संसाधनों के बड़े हिस्से पर नियंत्रण रखता है,इसलिए बिना इसकी मदद के ऐसी आपदाओं से सरकार लड़ नही सकती।अच्छी बात यह रही कि भारत सहित कई देशों के उद्यमियों ने सरकार को बड़े स्तर पर दान किया है।पर यह भी सभी पूंजीपतियों के स्तर पर नही देखा गया और कुछ तो भारी आलोचना के बाद मदद के लिए सामने आए।वही दान कई स्तरों पर दिखावे के रुप में भी दिखा।

5 .क्या आपदा के दौरान केवल सरकार कटघरे में खड़ी होंगी?क्योंकि इस आपदा के दौरान अंधविश्वास का बाजार भी गर्म दिखा और नागरिक लापरवाही भी।