meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: YOGA DIET
Showing posts with label YOGA DIET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOGA DIET. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020


                  Eating Right and Managing Your Life
Lunch table

When you eat right for a while, you will find that automatically things begin falling into place. Your life suddenly becomes much better and you see that you start gaining control of it. And all this happens because you have now taken control of your eating habits.

The most important thing is that you have to stay driven. Probably you started with an „eat right‟ program because you had some extra pounds in your body. Through your constant efforts, you have now managed to overcome that situation. Your body is in much better shape now. But that doesn‟t mean you can start going on food binges now. You have to continue with your healthy eating regimen. Only then will you experience its true effects in managing your life.
If you stay on a healthy eating program for two months at a stretch, you will stay on it for life. That‟s a fact. Hence, it is just those two months that you have to stay focused. You will find that the benefits you get within those two months will keep you hooked onto the program forever.
Read books, watch videos, research on the Internet, find out situations and examples of people who have brought their lives under control by moderating their eating habits. You will find a lot of inspiration from these stories and will want to implement them in your life too.
So, stay on it. If you are looking at improving the way you manage physical tasks or want to improve your stamina or want to just shed some undesired weight, eating right is the way to go about it. You will be able to get all these benefits and, most importantly, you will be able to spend more quality time with your family and friends. This is what will really help in managing your life and making it more meaningful, if nothing else.
Assorted Citrus Fruits and Vegetables


                                     Losing Weight by Eating Right

Scrabble Pieces On A Plate
You can easily find a lot of information about eating right to lose your weight. But there are some things that are more important than the food itself. Let us tackle those things first. Without these, your weight loss would be a wasted effort.

No one can effectively lose their weight without the right motivation. You have to have something in mind as your goal; that is what keeps you determined. This goal could be the need to look better (read, slimmer), or to be healthier, or to be more physically active, anything. Then you have to set your mind upon this goal. It is this aim that you have to think about. When you are sure about where you want to reach, you are able to chalk out your path in a much better way
.Black Smartphone

Support and Encouragement
Though there are people who have lost weight all by themselves, things are made much simpler if they have family and friends to support them. They should keep encouraging them, not ridiculing them, and then the system works. There are people who have lost weight just because they can be more productive in their family life. This can be a very strong feeling and can work highly in losing weight.
It is also very effective if you can go on a weight loss program with someone else. Even a little competitive edge helps. In fact, competition can work nicely. There‟s nothing better than the need to show someone that you can do something. The actual eating regimen comes later.
Now, don‟t get swayed by the various food fads that you see on the Internet. These are absolutely not necessary. What you need is your own determination and some effort in choosing the right foods.
It is best to prepare a complete health plan and stick with it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Sliced Orange Fruit in Clear Drinking Glass

Ideally, it is always a good idea that you conduct yoga practice without eating anything too close prior to beginning. But as it is not possibleall the time because of personal and professional commitments, you need to be very careful of what you are eating.


Timing is quite pivotal. If you are interested in a light meal before going for yoga practice, it is advisable that you take it one to two hours beforehand. When you follow this strategy, it will give your digestive system quite a bit of time to settle down. This will ensure that you are going to feel at ease during class. For people interested in heavier meal, the time frameshould be in the vicinity of four to five hours.

Fruits and vegetables
Your first preference should be fruits and vegetables. One of the most important things about fruits and vegetables is that you are not going to have any digestive issues and in a matter of hour, you will get a feeling of empty stomach. In addition, inclusion of fruits and vegetables in your diet is advantageous for your overall health.
Closeup Photo of Slice of Orange

Heavy foods
Make sure that you stay away from heavy foods. Before yoga class, you should not eat meats, pasta and processed grains. After eating these foods, you are going to feel lethargic, which is not ideal when you are all set to give your all in your yoga workout.

Spicy foods
Similar to heavy foods, you should also stay away from spicy foods. Because of the fact that spicy foods can easily lead to heartburn, you should not take these foods before starting the yoga practice. Talking about yoga, not only it has an impact on the outside portion of your body but also inside portion and therefore you can pretty much imagine how it is going to be when you fill your stomach with spicy foods.

Before going for yoga practice, it is always a good thing to try yogurt. Taking yoghurt half an hour before the yoga class is not only going to be goodfor your digestion but also the strengthening of your heart.

Final diet tips
No two individuals are same and therefore you will find that there is going to be variation in terms of diet as well. It’s not easy figuring out an ideal time for eating before yoga. But as the time passes by and you get to know about your body, more notably, your digestive system, you will be able to plan out things in a much better manner. Individuals with low blood sugar need to eat something fifty minutes before yoga practice. When it comes to yoga practice, use of nuts is recommended.
Almonds, pecans and walnuts contain essential iron and vitamins, good for your health. For healthy intestinal tract, pecans is one of the best options. There are lots of poses in yoga that are going to have a positive impact on the intestines. To get the best out of this, you need to take pecans and walnuts on a regular basis.