meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: WEIGHT LOSS WITH YOGA
Showing posts with label WEIGHT LOSS WITH YOGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEIGHT LOSS WITH YOGA. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020


                  Eating Right and Managing Your Life
Lunch table

When you eat right for a while, you will find that automatically things begin falling into place. Your life suddenly becomes much better and you see that you start gaining control of it. And all this happens because you have now taken control of your eating habits.

The most important thing is that you have to stay driven. Probably you started with an „eat right‟ program because you had some extra pounds in your body. Through your constant efforts, you have now managed to overcome that situation. Your body is in much better shape now. But that doesn‟t mean you can start going on food binges now. You have to continue with your healthy eating regimen. Only then will you experience its true effects in managing your life.
If you stay on a healthy eating program for two months at a stretch, you will stay on it for life. That‟s a fact. Hence, it is just those two months that you have to stay focused. You will find that the benefits you get within those two months will keep you hooked onto the program forever.
Read books, watch videos, research on the Internet, find out situations and examples of people who have brought their lives under control by moderating their eating habits. You will find a lot of inspiration from these stories and will want to implement them in your life too.
So, stay on it. If you are looking at improving the way you manage physical tasks or want to improve your stamina or want to just shed some undesired weight, eating right is the way to go about it. You will be able to get all these benefits and, most importantly, you will be able to spend more quality time with your family and friends. This is what will really help in managing your life and making it more meaningful, if nothing else.
Assorted Citrus Fruits and Vegetables


                                     Losing Weight by Eating Right

Scrabble Pieces On A Plate
You can easily find a lot of information about eating right to lose your weight. But there are some things that are more important than the food itself. Let us tackle those things first. Without these, your weight loss would be a wasted effort.

No one can effectively lose their weight without the right motivation. You have to have something in mind as your goal; that is what keeps you determined. This goal could be the need to look better (read, slimmer), or to be healthier, or to be more physically active, anything. Then you have to set your mind upon this goal. It is this aim that you have to think about. When you are sure about where you want to reach, you are able to chalk out your path in a much better way
.Black Smartphone

Support and Encouragement
Though there are people who have lost weight all by themselves, things are made much simpler if they have family and friends to support them. They should keep encouraging them, not ridiculing them, and then the system works. There are people who have lost weight just because they can be more productive in their family life. This can be a very strong feeling and can work highly in losing weight.
It is also very effective if you can go on a weight loss program with someone else. Even a little competitive edge helps. In fact, competition can work nicely. There‟s nothing better than the need to show someone that you can do something. The actual eating regimen comes later.
Now, don‟t get swayed by the various food fads that you see on the Internet. These are absolutely not necessary. What you need is your own determination and some effort in choosing the right foods.
It is best to prepare a complete health plan and stick with it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Woman With Arms Outstretched Against Blue Sky

In today’s society, obesity is a cause for concern with even children that are overweight. Apart from eating healthy, it is worth looking at the importance of yoga and weight loss. Weight gain is not only about the number of calories taken in. There are other underlying causes in the body that will result to weight gain if they become unbalanced. The use of yoga posture can be very helpful in redressing this balance hence helping the body to burn fat more effectively resulting in healthy weight
loss. Some vital functions of the body that can be improved by yoga and help promote weight loss:

The liver

 The liver is the body’s own detoxifying machine. A healthy liver works effectively to cleanse the blood of bad fat and helps the blood make use the good fat. Certain yoga postures help increase the functions of the liver. A healthy liver will remove bad fat effectively. Yoga postures like cobra pose and bow pose can be used. 

The thyroid gland 

Yoga and weight loss program can also involve poses that stimulate the thyroid gland. The hormone that governs the body’s metabolism is in the thyroid. How high or low a body’s metabolism is depends on how active the thyroid is. Most weight gain issues are due to hypothyroidism meaning low thyroid activity. Activating the thyroid function by using postures like fish pose and shoulder stand will help greatly towards weight loss. 

The nervous system

 It is not necessary to attend a hot yoga class to generate body heat. Internal heat is created in the body using nerve tension heat and length. This internal heat can
burn deep and low seated fat. This can be achieved using the lunge and the seated forward bend.

Heart rate

It is very common to see people jogging to get their heart rate up in the quest to lose weight. This has been proven to stress the nervous system. Since a perfectly working nervous system is needed to aid in the yoga and weight loss program, any activity that adds stress to the nervous system should be avoided. It is better in the case of loss weight to use activities that raises the heart rate for a short period and then back down. This can be easily done using yoga.

Body movements
Yoga exercises that work to lengthen and shorten the muscles will aid in weight loss. Muscles use fat
as fuel and will continue to do so even while in rest position. Strength exercises such as arm balancing will work well as they work all body muscles at once. Recommended yoga postures include crane and scale pose. In Ayurveda, it is said that the issue is not to lose weight but to avoid weight gain. As we will discover in this guide, Yoga and weight loss programs will lead to a healthy, slimmer and younger looking you!
Women Performing Yoga on Green Grass Near Trees