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Showing posts with label corona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corona. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020



Black Samsung Tablet Computer
Once upon a time, building your own software empire meant becoming another Microsoft or Bill Gates. And that took plenty of time, plenty of money, and plenty of resources.
Nowadays, it’s as simple as turning on your computer. Well, maybe not that simple. But having a computer is really all it takes to own, operate, and develop a software business.
Just having access to the Internet…
l    You can brainstorm and come up with ideas.
l    You can find out what type of products do or don’t already exist.
l    You can determine exactly what people want and need.
l    You can locate and hire a programmer.
l    You can create software graphics (or have them created).
l    You can promote and sell your finished products.
And when you think about the fact that you can do all those things without leaving the comfort of your home, it’s pretty amazing. Plus, the cost of creating and developing software is no where near what it used to be.
Instead of having to travel long distances or settle for whatever programmer is located within a reasonable distance from you (and whatever price they happen to charge), you can easily choose from any number of qualified programmers throughout the world.
For each project you put out there, you’ll have numerous professionals vying for your business, each one trying to outbid the other. And in most instances, that means coming up with a bid that is lower than the next guy.
Not that you should pick the lowest bid. That should never be your main consideration when choosing a programmer. But the fact that programmers will be competing in that manner means you can ultimately get the best possible job done for the best possible price.
Another advantage is the income potential. Although there are several ways you can make money online, none of them comes close when you calculate the amount of money that can be generated through the sale of software products.
And the true benefit of dealing in software products is the fact that you don’t have to talk someone into buying it. The product either fulfills the needs or wants of a prospective buyer or it doesn’t.
With an ebook, for example, you generally have to come up with all sorts of ingenious sales copy just to convince people why they should buy it. With software, it’s as simple as listing all the features and benefits.
And, when it comes right down to it, people who purchase software products aren’t really interested in hearing some sales pitch. They simply want the facts and nothing but the facts…
l    Does this product have all the features I want/need?
l    Will this product help me do something faster/easier?
l    Is this product easy to install?
l    Is this product easy to use?
l    Will this product work on my operating system?
l    Does this product come with help documents?
l    Is there any technical support?
l    How much does this product cost?
l    Will there be future upgrades and are they free?
Those are the type of questions that run through the mind of your typical software buyer. If you can deliver everything they’re looking for at a fair price, you’ve made a sale. If not, they’ll simply move on to one of your competitors.
In order to be successful in the software industry, you need to be constantly aware of what people want and need. But being aware is only the beginning. It’s also necessary to create quality products that will satisfy any and all of the buying public’s requirements. And in many instances, greatly exceed their expectations.
Notice, however, that I used the word “quality” with regard to creating products.
That’s the one thing that’s absolutely imperative in this business. If you merely run around producing second-rate clones of existing products, or you develop products that don’t work properly, you might as well pack it in.
There’s no way you’ll make it in this business doing things that way. There are tens of thousands of people creating and developing new software products. And there are millions of products being sold. Some good, some not.
In order to compete – in order to SUCCEED – you need to take this very seriously.
You need to come up with good solid quality products that will please the people who buy them.
If you can’t do that – if your only objective is to get rich quick – you’ll never survive.
And you’ll certainly never make any decent money.
But let’s not even go there.
Let’s assume you’re one of the “good guys”, that you’re hoping to develop your software business the right way. That you plan to deliver products that are innovative, unique, and possess the kind of quality John and Jane Q. Public are hoping for.
That being said…
From this point on, you’ll have benefit of all my knowledge and expertise with regard to making money with software products. Not based on conjecture or speculation, but through the course of actually creating and developing my own successful software business over the past several years.
Person Looking at Phone and at Macbook Pro

Monday, April 13, 2020



Birthday Cake

Consuming fish oil, such as trout and salmon (or taking an Omega‐3 supplement) can help improve your memory. A new study has indicated that the fatty acid in fish can boost memory function by at least fifteen percent. With those conclusions, scientists are now expressing how important a fish‐rich diet is for preventing dementia and maintaining optimal brain health.

Despite what you may believe, Omega‐3 fatty acids are very important when it comes to weight loss,
heart health, and yes, even brain health. These fatty acids can have many different powerful benefits to both your body and your brain. Helps Fight Depression Many people are diagnosed with depression – this is one of the most common mental disorders. Symptoms of depression include lethargy, sadness, and a loss of interest in things you once loved.

Anxiety is also another common disorder, and this can be characterized by nervousness and constant worry.
Studies have found that individuals who turn to omega‐3 on a regular basis are less likely to be faced with depression. What’s even better is that when individuals who are diagnosed with depression or anxiety turn to omega‐3 supplements, their symptoms improve.

Omega‐3s are important for brain growth. Infants that are given DHA‐fortified formula have a tendency to have better eyesight than those who are fed normal formula that doesn’t contain it. It is also important that you get enough omega‐3 when you’re pregnant, as this will be beneficial to the child.

1. Better communication
2. Better social skills
3. Higher intelligence
4. Less behavioral problems
4.Decreased risk of autism
5.Decreased risk of ADHD

White and Green Medication Pills on Gray Surface

Deficiency in Omega‐3 is linked to poor eyesight, low intelligence and an increased risk of various health issues, so it is important that you get enough Omega‐3s while pregnant and continue this after the child is born. Anti‐Aging Benefits on the Brain Omega‐3 has some pretty nice anti‐aging effects on the brain, both structurally and functionally. 
Omega 3s have been proven to have a direct effect on hippocampus volume and the overall brain. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the hippocampus, this is an area of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning.

Omega‐3 is incredibly important for the health of your brain. You can get it from eating fatty fish at least 2 times a week, or simply taking Omega‐3 supplements, which are available over the counter in most department stores. If you lack Omega‐3 in your diet, this is a highly effective way to improve your brain health, and overall health.

Saturday, April 11, 2020




WHAT IS IMMUNE SYSTEM :-                                                                                                          Immune sysytem is the group of organs that protect our body from infections. weak immune system is like an invitations to health problems.stress lifestyleare some of causes of weak immune system 
it is not one day process but we can boost it according to the time. If we have good immune system then these ways are also useful for keep it up..
   In this crucial time of corona pendemic its very important for us to boost our immunity so that we can stay safe and healthy by staying home at the same timeso here i am sharing some ways which will instantly boost your immunity most of the ingaradients are easily available I have tried to keep them as simple as possible here are some of them.

1.ASHWAGANDHA-  It is one of the most powerful indian herbs whose properties are so powerful so it has been nick named as indian ginseng.ashwagandha is well known to instantly boost our immune system.
simply take one glass of hot water and add one table spoon of aswagandha powder  in it. if we have digestive issues with milk then you can use it with water.

2.GILOY :-Also known as AMRITA . GILOY is full of antioxidants that  purify the blood and fight against bad bacterias.
Simply add one table spoon of giloy power with luke warm water and have it empty stomach in the morning.

Clear Glass Bowl With Brown Liquid

3.MINT DRINK:- It is one soft drink to strong the immune system.
IN 500ml water add half teaspoon of turmeric boil it for two minutes, now add 10-12 mint leaves.let it bol again for 2 minutes .pour the mixture now add one tablespoon of is good antioxident.

4. TURMERIC:- It gives an instant boost to the immune system.It has anti oxident and anti microbial property.
simply add half tablespoon of turmeric in hot hot milk and have it before to sleep at night.

Brown Powers

5.AMLA:- VITAMIN C makes antibodies that fight infections.amla is good source of vitaminc.

6.CITRUS JUICE:- It also improves our immunity.


                       कोरोना विश्व के सामने एक चुनौती Concept Of Covid-19 In Red Background

इंसानों के सामने पहले भी खतरे आये है और आते ही रहे है....हमने वह दौर भी देखा है जब प्लेग,हैजा,कॉलरा जैसे रोगों ने लाखों की आबादी को खत्म कर डाला,हमने नाभिकीय हमलों में भी मानवता को दम तोड़ते देखा है...हमने देखा है सुनामी में इंसानों के आंसुओं को बहते हुए।
पर इस बार कोरोना वायरस के रूप में आई आपदा सबसे अलग है....इसने इंसानी दुनिया के आज के नियमो,मूल्यों,संस्थाओं और तौर तरीकों को सवालो के घेरे में खड़ा कर दिया है।मैं इसे इंसानी सभ्यता के लिए आई ओपनिंग इवेंट के रूप में देखता हूं और हमे इससे कुछ बड़े सबक सीखने होंगे।

Free stock photo of action, administration, adults, atmosphere

1.हमे समझना होगा कि मनुष्य की प्रकृति पर दम्भभरी जीत और नियंत्रण की भावना भ्रममात्र है। और जब हम यह कहते है सेव द प्लेनेट,तो भी यही भाव आता है कि हमी तो इस ग्रह को बचाएंगे,जबकि ग्रह पहले से है इंसान तो बाद में आये है।इसलिए हमें यह समझना होगा की प्रकृति के साथ ही इंसान बेहतरी कर सकता है उसके खिलाफ नही।चीन में जिस तरह जिंदा और हर तरह के जानवरों को आहार के रूप इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है,उससे इंसान उस पतली रेखा को पार करता दिखाई दे रहा है,जो अब तक पशु और मानव समाज मे प्राकृतिक सन्तुलन निर्मित करता था।

2.पहली बार इस आपदा ने हमे राष्ट्र की सीमाओं से बाहर निकलने के लिये मजबूर कर दिया है। अगर हम देश के बजाय प्लेनेट यानी पृथ्वी के सदस्य के रूप में इस आपदा के खिलाफ मिलकर खड़े होते तो क्या इसकी भयावहता बढ़ पाती।तो आखिर क्यों एक मानवीय संकट को भी राष्ट्रीय हितों से ही जोड़कर देखा जा रहा है।

.ऐसी वैश्विक आपदा से लड़ने की हमारी तैयारी भी एक्सपोज हुई है।चाहे वह चीन हो या अमेरिका, इटली हो या जर्मनी सबकी कमजोरी सामने आई है।अभी तो इस बीमारी में मृत्यु दर अपेक्षाकृत कम है,पर सोचिए यदि मोर्टलेटी रेट ज्यादा होती तो यह आपदा इंसानों को कहा ले जाती।

4 .निजी क्षेत्र आज संसाधनों के बड़े हिस्से पर नियंत्रण रखता है,इसलिए बिना इसकी मदद के ऐसी आपदाओं से सरकार लड़ नही सकती।अच्छी बात यह रही कि भारत सहित कई देशों के उद्यमियों ने सरकार को बड़े स्तर पर दान किया है।पर यह भी सभी पूंजीपतियों के स्तर पर नही देखा गया और कुछ तो भारी आलोचना के बाद मदद के लिए सामने आए।वही दान कई स्तरों पर दिखावे के रुप में भी दिखा।

5 .क्या आपदा के दौरान केवल सरकार कटघरे में खड़ी होंगी?क्योंकि इस आपदा के दौरान अंधविश्वास का बाजार भी गर्म दिखा और नागरिक लापरवाही भी।

Thursday, April 9, 2020


At this time due to covid-19 pandemic the sodium hypochlorite is more in demand here i will tell you what is this??

SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE:-                      -Sodium hypochlorite

Sodium Hypochlorite is corresive, and is meant largely to clean hard surfaces.

It is commonly used as a bleaching agent,and also to sanitise sweeming pools.

As a common bleaching agent sodium hypochlorite is used for a variety of cleaning and disinfecting purposes.

It releases chlorine, which is disinfectant.

The concentration of the chemical in the solution varies according to the purpose it meant for.
A normal household bleach ( for disinfecting buildings and solid surfaces ) usually is 2-10% sodium hypochlorite solution.

I can be used for treatment of skin wounds like cuts or scrapes when its concentration is between 0.25-0.5%.

its very low concentration solution is used for hand wash(0.05%).

Syringe Floating Near Person's HandIt is not recommended to be used on human beings, certainly not as  spray or shower because large quantity of chlorine is harmful , if it gets inside the body it can cause serious harm to lungs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


In this crucial time the demand of hydro xychloroquine  is more here is all about it..
Woman Having A Video Call


Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites. 

The govt. of india has decided to ease its ban on the export of hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has garnered global interest in the treatment and  preventation of COVID-19.

 Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug option, considered less  toxic than chloroquine, and prescribed in certain cases. 

however, several countries sorce the drug from india . the indian council of medical research (icmr) issued an advisory recommending the use of hydroxy-chloroquine in asymptomatic healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients.
But now indian govt. decided to ease the ban, india said it would supply to countries that neede it the most and to neighbours who were dependent on india's  capablities.