Why You Should be Using Online Video Marketing

If you are just starting to dabble in online video marketing, this is a very wise business decision. If you still are not sure if this is the right decision, check out these five reasons why you should be using online video marketing and what you stand to gain by making this decision.
#1 Your customers are spending their time watching videos
Did you know that more than 4 billion views occur daily on YouTube? It’s the second largest search engine with only Google ranking higher. 55% of people watch at least one video daily and 78% watch at least one video weekly. That information in itself should have you stoked to get that video up and enjoy the benefits.
#2 Your Competition is Already Benefiting from Online Marketing Video
Did you know that 81% of all senior marketing executives are using online marketing video? That’s up 11% from just two years ago. Don’t miss the opportunity that awaits you.
#3 Video is Easy to Search
When it comes to searching on Google 70% of the top 100 searches are videos. Consumers are seeking information on products and services and they are ready to buy when they find what they want. YouTube is the second largest search engine and so videos rank well and you have an optimum opportunity awaiting you with online video marketing.
#4 Videos are Educational, Entertaining, and Inspiring
Over 60% of consumers spend at least 2 minutes watching a video about a product they are thinking of buying. Video is excellent for marketing because it engages emotions. Viewers can get mad, cry, laugh, and learn. Viewers are far less likely to walk away from a video than an article because of the visual component.
#5 Your Visitor is Just a Click Away From Buying
More than 34% of shoppers looking to buy apparel will purchase after watching an online marketing video compared to only 16% after watching a TV ad. When you watch a TV ad, you can’t buy right then. You have to go to a store, log on to the site on your computer, or make a phone call. When an online marketing video is done correctly the visitor can instantly make their purchase and that’s powerful which is why the high conversion rate.
Now that you have five good reasons why you should be using online video marketing, isn’t it time to start creating?
Online Video Marketing - The 5 Secrets You Need to Know
Chances are if you are reading this, you are about to undertake your own online video marketing or at the very least you still classify yourself as a beginner. Congratulations are in order for stepping outside your comfort zone and being smart enough to recognize that you could use a little help in getting it right.
Let’s start by sharing with you the 5 secrets you need to know to have a successful online video marketing campaign.
Step #1 Do the Necessary Research
We all like to go from point A to point B as quickly as we can, and in the rush to get our online video completed many fail to do the proper amount of research. The end result is disappointment. By taking some time initially to do your research you’ll save time, avoid disappointment and achieve ‘success’ much faster.
Ironically, never before in the history of mankind has information been so readily available. Just a few clicks of the mouse and you can have all the information you need, and yet over anxious beginners skip this key step.
Step #2 Take the Time to Plan
A smart person once said, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Is that you? This is especially true with video marketing. Don’t believe me? Just take five minutes to check out a few of the videos available and it won’t take long for you to find confusing, mixed up, disjointed videos that completely fail to engage you. Sadly, it’s the biggest mistake that beginners make. Take your time and created a streamlined flow of information that the viewer can easily understand.
Step #3 Execute Your Plan
Here’s where you succeed or fail – it’s where your viewers will see just how much effort you put into research and planning. However, that said, even when you do your research and planning properly if you do not have the necessary equipment, resources, and skills to create an online marketing video you can still fail here. Make sure that your ability and your ambition match. Start small for your first video, grow your skills and you’ll enjoy success.
Step #4 How Can You Improve
This is the step that separates ‘the men from the boys’ – it’s what separates the amateurs from the professionals. If you put together one or two marketing videos and they get disappointing results, so you quit, you were never in it to win it! But if you learn from your mistakes, find out how you can improve, before long you’re a real pro and before long, you’ll be reaping the benefits of your efforts.
Step #5 Ask the Experts
One of the best-kept secrets by those who are highly successful with their online video marketing is that they aren’t afraid to seek help from the experts. They don’t try to go it alone! There are all kinds of free and low cost help out there so why set yourself up for failure because you are too proud to take the help.
If you are new to online video marketing and you implement these 5 secrets, you’ll be enjoying success before you know it and growing your business at an impressive rate.
What an Online Marketing Video Can do For Your Business
Online video marketing has become the latest epidemic when it comes to marketing tools. In fact, it has gone viral. If you haven’t given online marketing videos a try yet, you should, as there are plenty of benefits you can enjoy and increased sales are one of them. Let’s look at what your video should accomplish for you.
It Should Introduce You
A video is a powerful tool that allows you to present a polished you. You can polish your online marketing presentation and then create a flawless delivery that puts in you in the best light with your potential customer.
Establish That You are an Expert in Your Field
When you create your online marketing video you should focus on showing your viewers your expertise. This is much easier to do with a video than text content. Adding videos that establish you as an expert to your website, blog and/or email marketing can be highly beneficial.

Maximize Your SEO Benefits
In the past, as far as SEO was concerned, videos were actually a liability. But that is not that case any longer. Today, videos are more than fifty times more likely to be on the first page of a surfer’s search. There are three main ways a marketing video can give you a major SEO boost.
1. There is far less competition with video compared to text content. There are millions of text pages competing for the top SEO ranking, but only thousands of video pages competing for the same space.
2. Videos are ranked much quicker than text content. It takes hours for videos to get ranked and weeks for text to get ranked. That also gives video the ability to be very current.
3. Videos often go viral. It is much more likely that a person will share a video than text. This is especially true when you put together a really good video.
Online video marketing is affordable, requires only a webcam, a microphone, and a good script to begin to enjoy the benefits. Take some time to fine tune your message and make it easy to understand. That way you’ll enjoy the greatest benefit.
Online marketing videos are the hottest tool business owners have at their fingertips. In today’s online environment a video is far more likely to lead to a sale than even the best text content. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.