meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: MORE VIEWS
Showing posts with label MORE VIEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MORE VIEWS. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2020


The Basics On Time Management
Black Twin Bell Alarm Desk Clock on Table

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” ― William Penn
Time Management is one misleading phrase. While science fiction, for the longest time, has been fixated on the subject of managing time using numerous ways, like the idea of time travel, not one person on this earth can really manage time. As a human, the only thing that you can hope to attain is to successfully manage your life’s events in the most efficient way possible for you to have adequate time left for other things that you need to accomplish. Time is the one that manages itself, in all sense of the word.
Here, you will get to learn more about time management and discover some simple techniques and ideas that you can put to use so that you can make your own time become in the most efficient way possible for you to get all things done while still having enough time left for yourself.
Was there ever a time in your life when you wished for more time? Did you ever want time to pass even more quickly? There are instances when time seems to fly while on other times, it seems to be dragging. You often hear people complaining how their time at school or work is dragging, while the holidays just pass by all too quickly.
The Basics
Man With Both Hands on Arm
These illusions are merely the effect of how a person reacts to different emotions and environments because whether you like it or not, nothing will change the fact that one day is always composed of 24 hours, no more, no less.
According to research, once the human brain is engaged in numerous activities, it experiences a reduction in the ability to notice how time passes. Conversely, when your brain has less stimulation, it tends to focus on keeping tab on time passing.
Time management is almost as good as safeguarding your money. You protect your money, aiming to use this in the wisest way possible and avoiding any waste. You budget. You balance the money you earn with the money you spend. And just like money, your time is also a limited but valuable resource. This means that the skills that you will need for managing your time is the same with those required for money management to be successful – planning, management, as well as self-control.
By learning good skills in time management, you will have better chances of controlling your time, with the primary goal of improving your life. Furthermore, this improvement must reduce the levels of stress in your system and heighten your energy levels. Through proper time management, you can maintain or come up with the perfect balance between your family, personal and work lire while still possessing the flexibility of responding to new opportunities or surprises.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


     Methods For More YouTube Views & Traffic

Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons

Youtube has an excellent potential for creating awareness about a brand, goods or services that a person offers. The challenge, however, is that there are thousands of videos existing on the platform and users keep on uploading more videos by the minute. Each of these users hopes to get views.
So how does one ensure his or her video is visible and attracting views or traffic?
The following is just  tips for getting more views and traffic from YouTube.
Conduct research for your video channel
The secret to attracting plenty of views to your video is first understanding the viewers. Doing so requires research to determine the purpose of the video, the target audience, the content value the audience seeks, and where besides YouTube is the audience found. Armed with this information, you can brand your videos in a way
that it appeals to the targeted masses. A relatively easy method of researching is by analyzing Youtube videos with the most views or shares. 
Create quality and timeless videos 
When it comes to the web content is king. People see the videos because they hope to get value in the form of knowledge, entertainment or nourishment. For this reason, the content should be valuable, of good audio and video quality, nondiscriminatory, and one that cuts across religion, race and gender. It's amazing how many YouTubers upload videos that fail to meet such standards and wonder why their videos are not attracting views. Remember the easiest way to get more views is
when the video goes viral, and every one is sharing or tagging their friends. No one wants to share poor quality and boring videos.

Write engaging and detailed video descriptions
 When you upload a video on Youtube, neither Google nor Youtube can watch or even
listen to it. Instead, they rely on the text a person used to describe the video to understand and even rank the video. Since Google uses the words in the video description to list it, it is only prudent for a person to provide a detailed description. After all, if you took your time to make the video and upload it, spending a few minutes writing it's story won’t hurt. Besides, with a better ranking, you get more views.
Optimize Your Video Keywords
Although it pays to have a good YouTube ranking, it is more rewarding if the classification extends to Google and search engine searches. It's obvious that many websites’ traffic comes from search engines like Google, which create page rankings depend mainly on the keywords used. Therefore, if you want more traffic to your video, consider using appropriate video keywords that will give your video an edge in the search engine results page. An easy way of identifying the video keywords is to discover the keywords used by other YouTube videos appearing on the first pages of the search engine, and then use those words in your video description.

Capitalize On Social Media Platforms
 Social Media platforms are useful tools for getting the message out to the masses. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Whatapps, Instagram, Pinterest and many others are worth utilizing. Post links to your video on those platforms and even proactively ask the online community to view, like, comment and even share with their friends and relatives. However be careful not to spam the social media accounts of other users. Another idea is joining communities and forums dealing with issues your video addresses. To answer a member's question just offer insight and post the link to your Youtube video that provides detailed information.

Person Holding Canon Dslr Camera Close-up Photo

Monday, April 13, 2020


Scrabble Letters Spelling Digital Marketing

Whether you are just getting into Internet marketing or have been doing this for a while, you know that developing a niche is key to the success of your Internet marketing efforts. 
After all, when you are in business on the Internet, you don't necessarily have to produce a particular product first to market it. You don't even have to provide a service to market that either. Online marketing makes it easy for anyone to get into business, whether they have experience in any specific business or not. 
The entire world of products and services are open to market on the Internet, as long as you know how to market using infoproducts and affiliate marketing to sell online. So, where do you start? Isn't it too overwhelming? 
That's where a market niche becomes an indispensable tool to help you target profitable and interesting markets that can bring attention to your website and help you be successful in your chosen
Internet marketing venture. 
This report will tell you how to locate hot spots in Internet marketing topics in a methodical way that anyone can follow. This will save you from implementing topics that you may be passionate about, but in reality have very little market value. 
It will also help you locate the most profitable areas to be in and to time them to get in when they will yield riches without too much extra effort. When you know how to pick out great hot spots for topics you will find that your Internet marketing gets quicker and easier.
Many experts advise you to follow your passion and the money will follow. While this may seem like good advice, the Internet is such a vast landscape that to maximize the potential that your passion matches what people are actually searching for online you need a better plan. 
So, while passion is a good indication that you will be interested enough to pursue a topic longterm, it's not necessarily the only ingredient you need to succeed. 
You actually need to know what topics are popular and being search actively on the Internet, to start understanding how to locate a hot topic. In addition, as an Internet marketer, you want to pick a topic that is profitable, and there are ways to do that using tools like the Google Keyword Tool, which will be discussed later more indepth. And, finally, you want to know how competitive the niche is, so that you find a pool that hasn't been over-fished by bigger players.
Macbook Air on Grey Wooden Table

In Internet marketing terms, what you want to find are hot spot topics that have the following characteristics:
1. High demand:-
Many people are interested in searching for this topic and they are keying in various phrases to the search engines that can be mined for traffic and profit.
2. High Cost-Per-Click (CPC):-
Google establishes the CPC for keywords and phrases. Based on that, you can tell when one word or phrase is more profitable than another based on what advertisers are willing to pay a publisher per
click of that keyword or phrase.
3. Low Competition:-
Since most Internet marketers know that they want a high demand or high CPC to get good niches for profit, they are usually highly competitive too. However, there are still some out there that you can find that are not as competitive and we'll show you
how to locate them.
4. Advertisers Present:-
You want to also find hot spots that are of interest to affiliate or marketing advertisers. At least 20 advertisers for the hot spot shows it is good to try out.