meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: INTERNET MARKETING
Showing posts with label INTERNET MARKETING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTERNET MARKETING. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2020


The Basics On Time Management
Black Twin Bell Alarm Desk Clock on Table

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” ― William Penn
Time Management is one misleading phrase. While science fiction, for the longest time, has been fixated on the subject of managing time using numerous ways, like the idea of time travel, not one person on this earth can really manage time. As a human, the only thing that you can hope to attain is to successfully manage your life’s events in the most efficient way possible for you to have adequate time left for other things that you need to accomplish. Time is the one that manages itself, in all sense of the word.
Here, you will get to learn more about time management and discover some simple techniques and ideas that you can put to use so that you can make your own time become in the most efficient way possible for you to get all things done while still having enough time left for yourself.
Was there ever a time in your life when you wished for more time? Did you ever want time to pass even more quickly? There are instances when time seems to fly while on other times, it seems to be dragging. You often hear people complaining how their time at school or work is dragging, while the holidays just pass by all too quickly.
The Basics
Man With Both Hands on Arm
These illusions are merely the effect of how a person reacts to different emotions and environments because whether you like it or not, nothing will change the fact that one day is always composed of 24 hours, no more, no less.
According to research, once the human brain is engaged in numerous activities, it experiences a reduction in the ability to notice how time passes. Conversely, when your brain has less stimulation, it tends to focus on keeping tab on time passing.
Time management is almost as good as safeguarding your money. You protect your money, aiming to use this in the wisest way possible and avoiding any waste. You budget. You balance the money you earn with the money you spend. And just like money, your time is also a limited but valuable resource. This means that the skills that you will need for managing your time is the same with those required for money management to be successful – planning, management, as well as self-control.
By learning good skills in time management, you will have better chances of controlling your time, with the primary goal of improving your life. Furthermore, this improvement must reduce the levels of stress in your system and heighten your energy levels. Through proper time management, you can maintain or come up with the perfect balance between your family, personal and work lire while still possessing the flexibility of responding to new opportunities or surprises.


Why You Should be Using Online Video Marketing
Man Raising Right Hand
If you are just starting to dabble in online video marketing, this is a very wise business decision. If you still are not sure if this is the right decision, check out these five reasons why you should be using online video marketing and what you stand to gain by making this decision.
#1 Your customers are spending their time watching videos
Did you know that more than 4 billion views occur daily on YouTube? It’s the second largest search engine with only Google ranking higher. 55% of people watch at least one video daily and 78% watch at least one video weekly. That information in itself should have you stoked to get that video up and enjoy the benefits.
#2 Your Competition is Already Benefiting from Online Marketing Video
Did you know that 81% of all senior marketing executives are using online marketing video? That’s up 11% from just two years ago. Don’t miss the opportunity that awaits you.
#3 Video is Easy to Search
When it comes to searching on Google 70% of the top 100 searches are videos. Consumers are seeking information on products and services and they are ready to buy when they find what they want. YouTube is the second largest search engine and so videos rank well and you have an optimum opportunity awaiting you with online video marketing.
#4 Videos are Educational, Entertaining, and Inspiring
Over 60% of consumers spend at least 2 minutes watching a video about a product they are thinking of buying. Video is excellent for marketing because it engages emotions. Viewers can get mad, cry, laugh, and learn. Viewers are far less likely to walk away from a video than an article because of the visual component.
#5 Your Visitor is Just a Click Away From Buying
More than 34% of shoppers looking to buy apparel will purchase after watching an online marketing video compared to only 16% after watching a TV ad. When you watch a TV ad, you can’t buy right then. You have to go to a store, log on to the site on your computer, or make a phone call. When an online marketing video is done correctly the visitor can instantly make their purchase and that’s powerful which is why the high conversion rate.
Now that you have five good reasons why you should be using online video marketing, isn’t it time to start creating?
Online Video Marketing - The 5 Secrets You Need to Know
Chances are if you are reading this, you are about to undertake your own online video marketing or at the very least you still classify yourself as a beginner. Congratulations are in order for stepping outside your comfort zone and being smart enough to recognize that you could use a little help in getting it right.
Let’s start by sharing with you the 5 secrets you need to know to have a successful online video marketing campaign.
Step #1 Do the Necessary Research
We all like to go from point A to point B as quickly as we can, and in the rush to get our online video completed many fail to do the proper amount of research. The end result is disappointment. By taking some time initially to do your research you’ll save time, avoid disappointment and achieve ‘success’ much faster.
Ironically, never before in the history of mankind has information been so readily available. Just a few clicks of the mouse and you can have all the information you need, and yet over anxious beginners skip this key step.
Step #2 Take the Time to Plan
A smart person once said, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” Is that you? This is especially true with video marketing. Don’t believe me? Just take five minutes to check out a few of the videos available and it won’t take long for you to find confusing, mixed up, disjointed videos that completely fail to engage you. Sadly, it’s the biggest mistake that beginners make. Take your time and created a streamlined flow of information that the viewer can easily understand.
Step #3 Execute Your Plan
Here’s where you succeed or fail – it’s where your viewers will see just how much effort you put into research and planning. However, that said, even when you do your research and planning properly if you do not have the necessary equipment, resources, and skills to create an online marketing video you can still fail here. Make sure that your ability and your ambition match. Start small for your first video, grow your skills and you’ll enjoy success.
Step #4 How Can You Improve
This is the step that separates ‘the men from the boys’ – it’s what separates the amateurs from the professionals. If you put together one or two marketing videos and they get disappointing results, so you quit, you were never in it to win it! But if you learn from your mistakes, find out how you can improve, before long you’re a real pro and before long, you’ll be reaping the benefits of your efforts.
Step #5 Ask the Experts
One of the best-kept secrets by those who are highly successful with their online video marketing is that they aren’t afraid to seek help from the experts. They don’t try to go it alone! There are all kinds of free and low cost help out there so why set yourself up for failure because you are too proud to take the help.
If you are new to online video marketing and you implement these 5 secrets, you’ll be enjoying success before you know it and growing your business at an impressive rate.
What an Online Marketing Video Can do For Your Business
Online video marketing has become the latest epidemic when it comes to marketing tools. In fact, it has gone viral. If you haven’t given online marketing videos a try yet, you should, as there are plenty of benefits you can enjoy and increased sales are one of them. Let’s look at what your video should accomplish for you.

It Should Introduce You
A video is a powerful tool that allows you to present a polished you. You can polish your online marketing presentation and then create a flawless delivery that puts in you in the best light with your potential customer.
Establish That You are an Expert in Your Field
When you create your online marketing video you should focus on showing your viewers your expertise. This is much easier to do with a video than text content. Adding videos that establish you as an expert to your website, blog and/or email marketing can be highly beneficial.
Woman Working At Home With Her Laptop
Maximize Your SEO Benefits
In the past, as far as SEO was concerned, videos were actually a liability. But that is not that case any longer. Today, videos are more than fifty times more likely to be on the first page of a surfer’s search. There are three main ways a marketing video can give you a major SEO boost.
1. There is far less competition with video compared to text content. There are millions of text pages competing for the top SEO ranking, but only thousands of video pages competing for the same space.
2. Videos are ranked much quicker than text content. It takes hours for videos to get ranked and weeks for text to get ranked. That also gives video the ability to be very current.
3. Videos often go viral. It is much more likely that a person will share a video than text. This is especially true when you put together a really good video.
Online video marketing is affordable, requires only a webcam, a microphone, and a good script to begin to enjoy the benefits. Take some time to fine tune your message and make it easy to understand. That way you’ll enjoy the greatest benefit.
Online marketing videos are the hottest tool business owners have at their fingertips. In today’s online environment a video is far more likely to lead to a sale than even the best text content. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020



Turned-on Macbook Pro
One of the most interesting aspects of creating and developing software is coming up with new and innovative ideas.
But that doesn’t necessarily equate to creating an entirely different piece of software.
Oftentimes, it’s simply a matter of taking something that already exists and making it better. Or expanding on a current program.
It’s pretty much the same thing that inventors go through… They recognize that a product is the perfect candidate for improvement. Or, they envision an entirely new product, something that no one else has yet to develop.
That’s how it is with software products. So you need to look around you… Take careful note of what’s already out there and how it works.
Take note of what tasks you (or others) frequently perform.
Then ask yourself…
What software has room for improvement?
What software would make life (work) easier?
When it comes to “thinking up” software products, it’s most often a case of simply being totally aware of what is taking place right in front of your eyes.
Is there a webmaster task that you currently perform manually? One that drains a considerable amount of valuable time? Talk to a programmer. They might very well be able to create a software program that can perform the task automatically.
Is there a void in a particular marketplace or genre that you feel should be filled? Talk to a programmer. They might very well be able to create that perfect financial or gaming software product.
For the most part, consumers fall into the following three categories…
l  They have a particular problem that needs to be solved.
l   They are looking for something that will make their life easier.
l   They want to be entertained.
Overall, you should always be looking for some need or void and then create a software product that can satisfy it.
One fulfillment would be to create software that automates or simplifies a particular task involved in marketing. Take the concept of “tag and ping” for example… The moment it become widely known that social bookmarking sites and the various services they provided could be used as effective marketing techniques, the software wheels began to turn.
In no time at all, various products and programs surfaced…
l  utilities that could automate the process of creating links that need to be associated with tags
l   programs that automatically submit mass quantities of URL’s to various bookmarking sites
l   Plug-ins for existing blog software that can enhance or improve various aspects of posting, tagging, and pinging
Basically, every time a new marketing technique surfaces, there are software programs that can be created to either automate or enhance the technique.
To begin with, webmasters needed fresh content on their websites in order to satisfy search engines. RSS feeds could provide that. The only problem was the fact that the content of most RSS feeds is somewhat restrictive.
If you have a sports site, for example, you can set up different feeds for different areas of interest… baseball, football, soccer, Nascar. But what if you have numerous pages in each of those categories. And each of those pages is optimized for a specific keyword. Then what?
Your only choice would be to either place the same RSS feeds on multiple pages or just restrict the feed to primary (or select) pages for each category. Unfortunately, the former would result in duplicate content and the latter would results in pages that had no fresh content.
That’s where my idea for RSS Equalizer came about…
Webmasters needed a way to place targeted RSS feeds on all their keyword optimized pages. In other words, the content of the RSS feeds needed to be based entirely on what keyword was being used.
RSS Equalizer does just that. It allows you to place RSS feeds on any web page and have the content of that feed specifically targeted toward the keyword for which the page is being optimized.
For the most part, that’s what the majority of these types of software products do.
They fill a void or need that happens to exists.
What you need to realize, however, is that the void or need in many instances might not be quickly and easily recognized. That’s why it’s important to always be alert, always be looking for that new angle or possibility.
And don’t assume that an idea might be too bizarre or unusual to qualify as a profitable software product. The only criteria that should ultimately matter is whether or not there’s a solid market potential.
Which brings us to another very important issue. You absolutely, positively MUST know your target audience.
If you’re going to create new gaming software, for example, you have to be knowledgeable about what types of programs (and characters) are most popular and what kind of interface and functions the users demand.
If you’re going to create a new ebook compiler, you need to know exactly what features the people who use that type of software would require. You also need to determine what features they themselves would add to that type of product if they were given the opportunity.
Without knowing what your target audience wants or requires, you’re just spitting into the wind, hoping you come up with something they want.
Don’t guess. Don’t assume. And don’t try to think for someone else. If you’re going to make money selling software, you have to be totally familiar with the people who will be purchasing your products. BEFORE you get in too deep.
Woman Programming on a Notebook
Beyond that, the field of possibilities is wide open. And the number one rule is this… Don’t limit yourself in any way, shape, or form. If you can envision it, a programmer can most likely make it happen.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Scrabble Letters Spelling Digital Marketing

Whether you are just getting into Internet marketing or have been doing this for a while, you know that developing a niche is key to the success of your Internet marketing efforts. 
After all, when you are in business on the Internet, you don't necessarily have to produce a particular product first to market it. You don't even have to provide a service to market that either. Online marketing makes it easy for anyone to get into business, whether they have experience in any specific business or not. 
The entire world of products and services are open to market on the Internet, as long as you know how to market using infoproducts and affiliate marketing to sell online. So, where do you start? Isn't it too overwhelming? 
That's where a market niche becomes an indispensable tool to help you target profitable and interesting markets that can bring attention to your website and help you be successful in your chosen
Internet marketing venture. 
This report will tell you how to locate hot spots in Internet marketing topics in a methodical way that anyone can follow. This will save you from implementing topics that you may be passionate about, but in reality have very little market value. 
It will also help you locate the most profitable areas to be in and to time them to get in when they will yield riches without too much extra effort. When you know how to pick out great hot spots for topics you will find that your Internet marketing gets quicker and easier.
Many experts advise you to follow your passion and the money will follow. While this may seem like good advice, the Internet is such a vast landscape that to maximize the potential that your passion matches what people are actually searching for online you need a better plan. 
So, while passion is a good indication that you will be interested enough to pursue a topic longterm, it's not necessarily the only ingredient you need to succeed. 
You actually need to know what topics are popular and being search actively on the Internet, to start understanding how to locate a hot topic. In addition, as an Internet marketer, you want to pick a topic that is profitable, and there are ways to do that using tools like the Google Keyword Tool, which will be discussed later more indepth. And, finally, you want to know how competitive the niche is, so that you find a pool that hasn't been over-fished by bigger players.
Macbook Air on Grey Wooden Table

In Internet marketing terms, what you want to find are hot spot topics that have the following characteristics:
1. High demand:-
Many people are interested in searching for this topic and they are keying in various phrases to the search engines that can be mined for traffic and profit.
2. High Cost-Per-Click (CPC):-
Google establishes the CPC for keywords and phrases. Based on that, you can tell when one word or phrase is more profitable than another based on what advertisers are willing to pay a publisher per
click of that keyword or phrase.
3. Low Competition:-
Since most Internet marketers know that they want a high demand or high CPC to get good niches for profit, they are usually highly competitive too. However, there are still some out there that you can find that are not as competitive and we'll show you
how to locate them.
4. Advertisers Present:-
You want to also find hot spots that are of interest to affiliate or marketing advertisers. At least 20 advertisers for the hot spot shows it is good to try out.